Category Archives: felt-tips

Felt-tip monster

felt tip monster

Bruno Munari-type doodles

These doodles are inspired by Bruno Munari’s book, “Flight of Fancy”, which consists of the same random scattering of dots on every page which have been joined together in different ways. I have bought this book twice and given them away as presents to children I love, so, regrettably, I don’t have my own copy at the moment. Must get one.

Bruno Munari4

Bruno Munari3

Bruno Munari2

Bruno Munari1

New year’s resolution

 I hereby resolve that for at least the month of January, I will doodle every day, however rubbish what I draw is; I will suspend judgement, go for quantity rather than quality, experiment with different media, try new things. I will post as often as I can.

This was the alternative banner for this blog. Unfortunatly it looks crap scanned, and it’s also the wrong size. I don’t understand why the colours look so faded. The paper version is much prettier.
I bought some oil pastels over Christmas and yesterday I played with them for the first time. I think the result looks a bit like a child’s crayon drawing. I never liked crayons, they were too messy and not bright enough. Mind you, I didn’t like colour when I was little. I wasn’t good at colouring in because I was too much of a perfectionist to enjoy it.

I was quite pleased with this portrait copied from a photo cut out from a newspaper obituary, drawn freehand with a light brown pastel and then with a bit of dark brown for extra emphasis. Not because it looks particularly like the original, but because it looks vaguely life-like.
