Inspired by Jackson Pollock

I read, while in the loo recently, that the amazing thing about Jackson Pollock’s art, which I confess I was never able to work out for myself, is that his art is so non-represenatational that his splotches defy being able to impose any kind of familiar meaning on them. This is quite an achievement, as we are generally of capable of seeing familiar things in the most random patterns, e.g. clouds, the moon’s craters, and Leonardo da Vinci was paticularly fond of tree bark and dilapidated walls for inspiration. There’s even a blog called devoted to collecting images of all the objects people can see faces in. So here’s my attempt at meaning-defying shapes.

Jackson Pollock

meaningless shapes

One response to “Inspired by Jackson Pollock

  1. Chris Foulkes

    very therapeutic.
    Can you teach people to create non-representational art?

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